My Projects: A Journey through My Frontend Development Adventures

Welcome to my project page! This is where I show off all the cool stuff I've made while on my journey as a frontend developer. I've been known to get lost in code from time to time, but I always manage to find my way back to reality (eventually). So, take a look around and get ready to be impressed (or at least mildly entertained)

Bummaries App icon

An app to take, publish, and share book notes easily with other people.

View liveView on GithubDemo video on loom
Activity Logger App  icon

Track your daily activities super easy. Built with NextJS, Typescript, Prisma.

View liveView on GithubDemo video on loom
Note taking app icon

Fully function note taking app built with vanilla JS and Typescript with no framework.

View liveView on GithubDemo video on loom
Loud Mouth App icon

Powerful rating collection tool that allows businesses to send positive reviews on third-party testimonial sites like Capterra, Product Hunt, etc

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